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“My childhood dream was to one day become a ‘godly old lady.’ At the time, that goal didn’t seem particularly daunting. Now that I’m in my sixties, it sometimes feels like climbing Mount Everest. Always a few steps ahead of me, Susan Hunt has encouraged and inspired me to press on in my journey. She has also been a spiritual ‘grandmother’ to the True Woman ministry since it launched. She has given us all a vision of flourishing in old age, for the glory of God and the good of his people. In this book, Susan and Sharon Betters have teamed together to provide perspective, wisdom, and hope for women coming behind them. They call us to keep our eyes on Christ—the prize—and to persevere to the summit, dependent on his grace every step of the way.”

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, author; Founder, Revive Our Hearts and True Woman

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“Some women seem to grow increasingly lovely with every year that passes. I want to learn from women who display that type of beauty and grace. That’s why I’m so thankful for Aging with Grace. This book is a wealth of wisdom for women of all ages to learn from God’s word the secret of aging with grace—I highly recommend it!”

Melissa B. Kruger, Director of Women’s Initiatives, The Gospel Coalition; author, Growing Together: Taking Mentoring beyond Small Talk and Prayer Requests

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“Seasoned with wisdom, Aging with Grace offers us the biblical recipe for a life marked by hoping in Christ. Through examples of women in the Bible as well as women in the church today, Susan Hunt and Sharon Betters guide us to reflect on God’s faithfulness to his people throughout all of redemptive history, reminding us that it’s never too late to sink our roots in the soil of God’s word for his glory and our good.”

Hunter Beless, Founder and Executive Director, Journeywomen podcast

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“As I read the accounts of the godly women in this book, I was confronted with thoughts about flourishing in aging that I had not previously considered. I felt guided by godly compassion and wise instruction, rather than by the frustrations of past significance or selfish pay-attention-to-me-nowness. This book is truly about flourishing in the years of God’s maturing grace.”

Bryan Chapell, Pastor Emeritus, Grace Presbyterian Church, Peoria, Illinois

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“Reading this book made me feel like my two older sisters, walking toward Jesus in deep conversation, turned and saw me trying to find my own way, looked at each other, then ran back to grab my hands, laugh with joy, and resume with me between them. You are never too young or too old to glean solid, biblical, and practical wisdom from Aging with Grace.”

Karen Grant, wife of George Grant, pastor, Parish Presbyterian Church, Franklin, Tennessee